The Weigh to Health Program + Giveaway!!

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Before and After

I’ve been a overweight my entire adult life.  Because of that I understand and know first hand what it is like to live as an overweight and obese person in our society.   It SUCKS!  That is all there is to it.  No way to sugar coat it.  It SUCKS, plain and simple.

One day about two years ago something went off in my head and I decided I was sick of it.  It was sick of being a “big girl” and I was going to make a change.  If you have followed along with me over those two years you know all about it.  I lost over 100 pounds and it was AWESOME!!  But then last Christmas hit and I really struggled.  Since then I have gained some of the weight back.  I’m doing so much better and I feel like I’m getting healthier this time around but it is HARD!  It is a life-long battle that will never go away.

To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure I always made the most healthy choices when I was losing weight the first time.  I thought I was.  And I know that getting the weight off was a VERY healthy choice, but sometimes I wish I would have joined a program that focused more on health instead of just weight loss.


Enter Intermountain Healthcare’s Weigh to Health Program.  I’m just learning about this program and I’m really excited about it.  It turns out that most insurance companies will cover it!  You have to meet certain qualifications (like your BMI) but if you do, this is a weight-loss and healthy living program that could change your life!

Many people will qualify.  You don’t need to be obese, but this program will be great for those of you who are as well.  I’m chatting with them about it because I need all the resources I can get to keep motivated and to continue on my path to being healthy.


I went to the Weigh to Health headquarters and met with Joy and Teresa about the program. I learned all about the program which includes a one-on-one meeting with a registered dietitian, and group classes.  We got to have a healthy dinner and I’m super impressed with their approach to health.  I tend to be REALLY sceptical about anything doctor or doctor related since my doctor always seemed to just tell me to “lose weight and you won’t have any problems.”  But I was impressed that they incorporate all types of wellness into their plan.

The program is a 6 month course composed of an orientation course, 2 one-on-one sessions with a registered Dietitian and 9 additional group classes of your choice.

Weight to health pic

Check out the Weigh to Health brochure right here.

The Weigh to Health program can help you feel better every day. You’ll learn how to make changes in your life that will help you lose extra weight.

Those same changes will also help you:

•        Have more energy

•        Be more confident

•        Reduce stress

•        Sleep better

•        Be more active

•        Manage chronic health conditions

Want to check it out and get started with me?  We’re giving away four entries to the program.  Just enter on the rafflecopter below.  Good luck!!

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Utah Sweet Savings