Time for our first Fashion Friday of 2013 with Cents of Style! This is such a fun online boutique. I love it!
For this sale, the ENTIRE site is on sale! Plus, they have offered us several coupon codes, valid TODAY ONLY:
10% off Entire order and FREE SHIPPING with coupon code 10SAVED on any order amount.
20% off entire order over $40.00 and FREE SHIPPING with coupon code 20SAVED.
30% off entire order over $75.00 and FREE SHIPPING with coupon code 30SAVED.
Additionally, if you spend over $40.00 (before the coupon code) you will get an adorable black cable-knit beanie FREE with your order.
The beanie offer will appear as you are checking out. Add it to your cart and then proceed to check out, on the second checkout page, you can put in your coupon code, taking the 20% or 30% off your total.
Let’s look at a deal scenario. For $32.48 you can get:
-A pair of shoes (they have several styles listed at $20.00)- regular price- $36.60
-A scarf- regular price- $14.60
-A pair of earrings- regular price- $9.60
-A FREE hat- regular price- $12.60
That is over $70 in merchandise for $32.48. Over 40% savings and less than $10 an item!