The Dream Dinners Experiment: How I’m Taking Back Dinner Time! *Plus a Huge Deal for You*

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Dream Dinners LogoIt’s summer time and this year I’m REALLY trying to get a schedule going with my family.  I feel like our life runs so much better when we are on a schedule. Don’t you?

Let’s talk dinner time…

Sigh…  Dinner time…

Are you like me? All I can think is…  Every day! Every Single Day! These people want to eat Every Single Day!

dinner every night

I struggle so much with dinner time. How I want to be that mom that has it all put together. That fixes food every day that her kids and family will eat. And not only will they eat it, but it will be healthy. Right?! Do those moms really exist?

Here’s how our dinner time goes…

I have two jobs and and my husband works full time as well. To be honest, my husband is the cook. He is better at it and he likes to do it more. We used to have a little bit of a routine. My husband would get home from work (he’s a teacher so he was home by about 4:30 or so) and fix one of his 10 meals that he likes to make. Then I would clean up. That didn’t happen all the time but it worked for us and we “made it work.” But about 18 months ago we stopped having any sort of structure when it came to dinner time.

We decided to put our house up for sale. So every day was spent working on the house and getting it ready.  We worked on projects in all of our spare time so there was NO time to cook and make a meal.  So, of course, we ate out a TON! We also got really good at frozen crappy meals.  You know, the kind that you throw in the microwave. Chicken nuggets, frozen chicken patties, ect. I’m pretty sure we didn’t see more than one or two vegetables in about 6 months.

no time

Then we put our house on the market… Then we moved…  And the pattern never changed.

Now it’s been a year! A YEAR, since we moved and we are still doing the same thing. Eat out or heat something up in the microwave. My husband sometimes grills or throws something together, but when he does he makes a HUGE mess in the kitchen!  Man! I hate the mess!  Don’t you? Ugh! So our “dinner routine” is more of a “dinner nightmare!”

Enter Mommy Guilt….

I need HELP!  I want to feed my kids and myself something healthy. I want to enjoy dinner time with my family. I want to sit down at the table like I used to growing up and discuss things. Not run and hide with the mention of dinner…

not cooking

This summer I have been invited to try a Dream Dinners Experiment. Honestly, I believe it might just be an answer to my prayers!  During this experiment we will be incorporating Dream Dinners into our lives. I’ve already had a chance to test it out and I’m SO excited! Not only do I REALLY believe that this will make my life SO much easier and be the answer I’ve been looking for, but I really believe that it is going to save me a TON of money!

Dream Dinners store

I’m so impressed by Dream Dinners.  Once a month you head to one of their locations in Salt Lake or Orem.  You select the dinners you want online before you go. When you get there you make the dinners yourself (it takes about an hour to make enough for a month) and then head back home. For me it is about 2 hours out of my day (including drive time) for a month’s worth of meal planning.  Seriously! The meals go into the fridge and the freezer and you are set!

Why is this different than other freezer meals? I get to make these myself. I know EXACTLY what is being put in them because I’m doing it. They are healthy and “real” food. I get to cook without the stress and the mess! Sweet! I also get to choose the meals. Win – Win – Win!

I’ve tried 3 meals so far, and they were amazing! I just got home from making my next 6 meals and I can’t wait to cook them!

dream dinners meal

I’m going to be sharing Dream Dinners throughout the summer so you can experience this “experiment” with me. But you don’t have to take my word for it.  I’m working with Dream Dinners and I’ve been able to score you a SWEET deal!

Dream Dinners

Head on over HERE to sign up for the class and get this Amazing discount! Three meals for only $25! Come on, that’s amazing! And you guys are going to love this. This is REALLY good food. I’m so thrilled that I get to share it with you. And I’m even more thrilled that I am going to learn to take back dinner time at my house.

Come join me!


**This is a sponsored post by Dream Dinners.  Like always, all opinions are my own.


  • I’ve never heard of Dream Dinners having a “class” before. I’ve just heard about the meal assembly. Is the class at the same time as you assemble? What is the class for?

      • Thanks Becky! Two more questions…

        Is it 3 (3 serving) meals?

        Can you still take advantage of the 6 meal introductory offer if you take advantage of this one or not?


        • Hey Jenny,

          Yes, it is the 3 serving meals. I *think* you can do the 6, but I’m not 100% sure. I can ask them and let you know. I know the owner is out of town for a couple of weeks, so it might take me a bit to get back to you. You could probably just try to sign up for the 6 too and see if that works. That might be faster. I’ll ask though. 🙂 Let me know if you get it to work for 6. If I could go back and do it again I would pick the 6 if I could.

          • You may do the $25 deal first and then the 6 meal intro for $75. You can do both the same day if you’d like, but you can only do each deal one time 🙂

  • Your life sounds SO much like mine. We both work full time jobs and have side gigs too, so dinner is always a scramble, plus my teenaged son has just found his appetite, so we are having to make larger and larger meals now. I did try a similar service with a different company and I was very pleased with it. I’ll definitely click over and check out this deal. It sounds promising! I’ve been wanting to get together with my friend and do freezer meals with her and our daughter-in-laws, but obviously, if we were going to do something like that, we would have done it by now! #procrastinatemuch?

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