Fun Girls Night Out!

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Remember when I posted about this FREE Girls Night Out that the University of Utah was putting on at the South Jordan Health Center in Daybreak?  Well, I went and it was a blast!

I wanted to tell you a little bit more about it.  It illustrates what wonderful and fun events we have in Utah.  Gosh we are lucky to live in such a GREAT state.  For those of you outside of Utah, you should really come visit, it is Awesome!


The new clinic is beautiful!  If I lived near daybreak I would definitely be taking advantage of this facility.

I loved the fun girls night out atmosphere.  130221_194052

A little bubbly as we walked in.  NICE!  Oh, and did I mention that they took my coat.  Got to love that.


They had all sort of great information on cooking healthy, skincare, women’s heath (tons of GREAT info on this), eye care, ect.  They even had some free massages   Pampering!  Perfect for any great girls night out.


I loved this girl!  Showing of what a pound of fat and a pound of muscle look like.  If you have been following along with my Weight Loss Journey you know I’ve lost a LOT of weight.  It was cool to see what just one pound is.  Now stack 97 of those babies together.  Yeah, the visual is AWESOME!


She also showed us this plate.  Which is of course the way I am trying to eat now.  Another great visual.


One of the highlights of the night was Mary Nickles.  She is an anchor with KUTV.  She spoke of her battle with breast cancer.  How they found it through a routine checkup that she did for a news story.  Her story was inspiring.  She is one strong woman.


This cute girl is married to the ER doctor at the clinic.  She happen to hurt herself that night (an iPod attacked her) and she needed stitches.   She was awesome and let us all watch.


My favorite part of the night had to be the self defense class.  Where I got a chance to see if I could get away from this HUGE guy.  (Who is super awesome and amazing by the way).  As we sat and listened to their class on self defense I had a question and so I got to come up and try and practice getting away.  Yep, it was Awesome, and I still have the bruises to prove it.




In this last one he was really holding me!  It was awesome to get away and see what I could do.  Not to mention FUN!!


It was an amazing night full of surprises and I learned a LOT!  Plus it was a great night out with the girls.  Thanks to the University of Utah Health Care for putting on such an amazing night.  I really hope they do it again!

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Utah Sweet Savings