I love the Maidenform sales – but I only have one bra I ever buy (hey, when you find one that works – you stick with it) – so this is a great sale if your go to bra hasn’t been included in the $10 sales before. Friday thru Sunday you can use code FFAUG12 and get 30% off your order. This will even work on the sale items!
Maidenform also offers shapewear, panties, swimwear, sleepwear and accessories.
The first time I ordered from them I got a good variety so I could try them on at home with different kinds of clothing and then took back the ones that didn’t work (I have a location at my mall – find your location here) – saved the tags – and now I have the perfect fit.
I hope this isn’t getting too personal – but my absolute favorite is the Dream Bra Push Up. It is great if you are not extremely – uhh… I mean, not at ALL busty and are going for a bra that gives you some shape without being as padded as a couch cushion.