Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7, Part 8
After miscarrying twice in a row I began to realize that maybe things weren’t 100% how they were supposed to be. My O.B. again re-assured me that miscarriages were completely normal – although miscarrying after seeing a heartbeat is a little less common, and that 2 in a row could just be bad luck. However, the next time around we would try a supplement with a hormone – just to make sure that I had enough to get the placenta going. I was happy with the idea of doing something. Twice I was fairly certain I was pregnant – but in my attempt to stay calm and not jump to any conclusions I forewent a pregnancy test until I was 2 weeks late. Both times I started although I had been dry heaving in the morning. I’m still not sure if they were more miscarriages or extreme nerves.
Within 6 months, I was expecting again. This time we held off on telling anyone except our parents. I took a pregnancy test the day I was late – and we started the supplements right away. Oh. My. Gosh. They were awful – morning sickness, if it could be, was even worse. I began losing weight instead of gaining. We started IV’s at home daily – which pretty much put me to sleep, so I could only take them at night, but they did help.
We finally made it into the 2nd trimester. It was amazing! I suddenly felt better and felt like I could be a person again. The best news was the baby was healthy – movements were normal and a placenta could be seen on ultrasound – and I could quit my hormones. Yeah! We decided to just wait and not find out what we were having this time….
And later that winter added a 2nd baby girl to our clan. She was beautiful and sweet and filled my gap of wanting a sibling for my first daughter. I felt a huge relief that we had finally figured out the solution to the miscarriages and that all would be normal business from here. Even though I felt like we had found the “solution” I was determined to never experience a miscarriage (or morning sickness) again. Oh… if life were that controllable!
I dived into “healthy eating” and made some serious changes to our diet. (I had been borderline with gestational diabetes during the pregnancy.) We cut out soda 100%, switched from white flour to fresh ground whole wheat, cut down on meat and upped the veggies. I know there is a lot more you can do with your diet to be “healthy”, but that was about all I knew at that point. I began making all of our food I possibly could from scratch. When our second daughter was 1 1/2 we decided to try for another baby. I was pregnant within 2 weeks and no miscarriages this time! My pregnancy definitely was different. No IV’s were needed, although I still went through about 2 months of serious morning sickness, but overall it was slightly better than my first pregnancy.
[…] Everything checked out as normal. I headed home with instructions to keep my feet up until I felt normal again. Before Chris even made it home that night I was hemorrhaging badly and knew where I was headed. I was afraid to drive myself. My daughter was in bed asleep. I made dozens of calls to neighbors and couldn’t get a hold of anyone. My sister who lived an hour and a half a way was the first person I could reach. She left right away and finally a friends husband called me back. He came over to stay with my daughter. Chris finally made it home and took me to the hospital and my sister arrived an hour later to stay with my baby. By the time I was examined at the hospital, my uterus was mostly empty. (Continued in part 3.) […]
[…] Story: Journey to Motherhood – Part 1 Posted on July 20, 2012 by Lorraine Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part […]
[…] 6: More to learn Posted on October 2, 2012 by Lorraine Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part […]
[…] 5: Two surprising discoveries Posted on September 3, 2012 by Lorraine Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part […]