My Story: Part 3 – Acknowledging a Problem & Making a plan

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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7, Part 8

Me & my Baby about the time of our 2nd miscarriage

After miscarrying twice in a row I began to realize that maybe things weren’t 100% how they were supposed to be.  My O.B. again re-assured me that miscarriages were completely normal – although miscarrying after seeing a heartbeat is a little less common, and that 2 in a row could just be bad luck.  However, the next time around we would try a supplement with a hormone – just to make sure that I had enough to get the placenta going.  I was happy with the idea of doing something.  Twice I was fairly certain I was pregnant – but in my attempt to stay calm and not jump to any conclusions I forewent a pregnancy test until I was 2 weeks late.  Both times I started although I had been dry heaving in the morning.  I’m still not sure if they were more miscarriages or extreme nerves.

Within 6 months, I was expecting again.  This time we held off on telling anyone except our parents.  I took a pregnancy test the day I was late – and we started the supplements right away.  Oh. My. Gosh.  They were awful – morning sickness, if it could be, was even worse.  I began losing weight instead of gaining.  We started IV’s at home daily – which pretty much put me to sleep, so I could only take them at night, but they did help.

We finally made it into the 2nd trimester.  It was amazing!  I suddenly felt better and felt like I could be a person again.  The best news was the baby was healthy – movements were normal and a placenta could be seen on ultrasound – and I could quit my hormones.  Yeah!  We decided to just wait and not find out what we were having this time….

And later that winter added a 2nd baby girl to our clan.  She was beautiful and sweet and filled my gap of wanting a sibling for my first daughter.  I felt a huge relief that we had finally figured out the solution to the miscarriages and that all would be normal business from here.  Even though I felt like we had found the “solution” I was determined to never experience a miscarriage (or morning sickness) again.  Oh… if life were that controllable!

I dived into “healthy eating” and made some serious changes to our diet.  (I had been borderline with gestational diabetes during the pregnancy.)  We cut out soda 100%, switched from white flour to fresh ground whole wheat, cut down on meat and upped the veggies.  I know there is a lot more you can do with your diet to be “healthy”, but that was about all I knew at that point.  I began making all of our food I possibly could from scratch.  When our second daughter was 1 1/2 we decided to try for another baby.  I was pregnant within 2 weeks and no miscarriages this time!  My pregnancy definitely was different.  No IV’s were needed, although I still went through about 2 months of serious morning sickness, but overall it was slightly better than my first pregnancy.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7

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