Please Vote!! Suicide Prevention I See You! – Connect. Bond. Love. Choose Life!

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This is a worthwhile cause to benefit all of Northern Utah and needs your votes!

I love the mission behind this suicide prevention goa: to strengthen families and reduce risky behaviors through connection and bonding. The team at Momivate has organized a fun way to help families and neighborhoods connect through adventures together.

Every person has 10 votes per day and you can cast them all for this project with 1 click! It’s super easy! Just CLICK HERE!

Why should you vote for this cause? This grant will provide funding to deliver Discovery Adventures and other evidence-based prevention tools to 75,000+ diverse, currently under-served youth throughout Northern Utah. That’s a pretty cool initiative. Read more about it HERE!

Don’t forget to cast your vote daily through May 6. You will need to log in, but you can easily do so with Facebook so it only takes a moment.



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