Time to Conquer! Becky’s New Adventure

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As a HUGE fan of the TV Show Friends, snipits of the show come to mind often.  My hubby and I are always quoting different lines from the show.

Today, I can’t help but think about the episode where Monica is dating Pete (the billionaire).  In the episode, Monica thinks that Pete is going to ask her to marry him.  Instead, Pete tells her that he wants to “Conquer the Physical World” and become the Ultimate Fighting Champion.  I looked and looked for a link online to this particular scene, but I can’t find it anywhere.  So here is a small tidbit of the dialog…

Pete: So ah, there was this thing I wanted to talk to you about.
Monica: Oh, right! I completely forgot about that.
Pete: Well ah, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and I look at my life…
Monica: Yeah?
Pete: And I feel like I’ve conquered the business world, and I feel like I’ve conquered the intellectual world, and now I-I have the most beautiful woman in the world.
Monica: Wow.
Pete: There’s one thing missing.
Monica: What’s that?
Pete: It’s time for me to conquer the physical world.
Monica: Okay. (not sure of herself)
Pete: Monica, I want to become (pause) the Ultimate Fighting Champion.

(You can watch the entire episode here)

Why I am thinking of this scene today?  Well, today is MY Day! Yep, today is MY day to Conquer the Physical World!

Ok, so it is going to take more than just a day, but today is the day that I START!  Today is the day I choose to change my life, and I’m excited.

You see I, like Pete, am in the process of “conquering” many things.  Sure they all take continuous work but I feel like I have a lot of control over many parts of my life.

I have always been a strong and independent woman.  I feel that I have conquered the financial world.  No, I’m not a billionaire.  {Can you imagine!!}  But through study, hard work, dedication, and couponing, my family lives a comfortable life on about half the income the average person would consider successful.  We also live almost completely dept free.  For which I am very proud.

I have an amazing Family.  My husband is my biggest supporter and loves me unconditionally.  He is a wonderful husband and an amazing Father to our beautiful girls.  My two little miracles.  I know my life would be incomplete without them and I am so blessed to have been able to have them.


However, with all of these strengths in my life and all of these accomplishments, there is a glaring thing that I do not have control over.  My weight.  For most of my life I have struggled with my weight.  I vividly remember being in elementary school and believing I was Fat.  Going back and looking at the pictures, I was a normal little kid.  But apparently believing that I was fat eventually led that to become my reality.


Although I have dieted many times, and I have lost weight before, I have never gained control!  Today I am embarrassed at my current weight.  I have tons of excuses that I could give you as to why I am this weight, but the reality is that I am in this situation and it needs to change.

So here I am, dear reader, sharing my deep and strong desire for change.  I hope you will forgive me from deviating from all the deals today, but you have become a close part of my life and through this process I will need a lot of support.  Who knows, maybe I will be able to give support and encouragement to others as well.

So, today I begin…I will continue to share my successes and probable set backs (if you will allow me).  I’m scared and excited.  Wish me luck.


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