Time to Conquer! Week 2: The Mourning Period

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Oh, this week… *sigh*  It has been a good week but a tough week too.   I have been having problems remembering to drink my water.  I don’t really mind water (my hubby struggles to drink it because he says he just doesn’t like it).  I don’t have that problem.  I actually like water, I just forget to stop and drink it.  This week I did ok on my water.  I try to remember to take it with me where ever I go, but I run out fast.  I think I might need to get a bigger cup.

What are some of your tips to help you remember to drink your water?  I would love to hear them.

So, After a 7 pound loss last week I was excited to continue.  But as the week continued I kinda got into a slump.  No, I didn’t cheat on my program, I was really good.  I ate what I was supposed to eat and didn’t eat what I wasn’t supposed to eat.  But for some reason every time I saw something I “can’t have” I got bummed out.  I started to feel sorry for myself and all the things that I “won’t EVER be able to eat again!”  Yes, a little dramatic.   I finally figured out that this week was my mourning week.  I LOVE food.  I love it more than I realized.  And since I haven’t been able to have a lot of it, I miss it.  It is like a good friend has died, and everywhere I look there are things that remind me of this friend.  (yes, dramatic again)

But, something great also happened this week.  I learned that I can substitute things that I love with other things that are good for me and, guess what, I enjoy them and I feel better!  I am sure the mourning period isn’t completely over, but I do know that I feel better than I have in a really long time.  I have more energy and I get more done in a day.  I am also happier (as long as I remember to drink my water and eat on time).

So, after a little bit of a bumpy week, I am happy to report that I have lost another 4 pounds.   That is a total of 11 pounds.  Not a bad start.

Oh, and for those of you who missed my post of Facebook today.  I made Zucchini Lasagna tonight and it was Awesome!  Everyone loved it and it is So Healthy!  So, by request, here is the recipe.

Zucchini Lasagna

Favorite dish, but healthier!  This recipe makes 4 servings.  I doubled it to make a larger Lasagna to have some for leftovers.


2 Zucchini (thin sliced with peeler )
16 oz Ground Turkey (very lean)
2 c Low-Carb Spaghetti Sauce (or make your own with tomatoes and blender)  I made my own  – more info on that below.
2 c Spinach (fresh)
12 oz Cottage Cheese (1%) – I used No Fat.  It was great!
1 Eggs
4 oz Mozzarella (low fat)


  • With a potato peeler, slice zucchini into thin ribbons for “noodles.” (My “noodles” were much thinner than in the picture above but they worked great.  I made too many so I double layered them and it was perfect. )
  • Make spaghetti sauce if you are making your own.*
  • Brown ground turkey and add sauce.
  • Combine spinach (chopped), cottage cheese, and egg in bowl.
  • In a pan layer turkey and sauce, cottage cheese mixture, and zucchini “noodles.” Repeat layers.
  • Top with Mozzarella Cheese (I used about half).

Cook at 400 degrees for 30 minutes- enjoy your healthy “lasagna” with the whole family!

Heads up, mine didn’t look like the picture.  It was much more soupy.  Of course, it took me a little bit longer to make than I thought it would, so we were HUNGRY and didn’t wait for it to set.  It might have firmed up a little bit.

* Easy Spaghetti Sauce

  • 2-3 cans Tomatoes (I used 2 cans Fire Roasted and one regular for more flavor) – You could use fresh tomatoes if you have them.
  • 1 can Mushrooms
  • 2 packets Spaghetti Sauce Seasoning

Put Tomatoes in a blender and puree.  Combine mushrooms and Spaghetti Sauce Seasoning and you have an easy and yummy spaghetti sauce.




  • Way to go Becky! My struggle with water is that I get busy, and mostly – it’s just hard to keep track of how much and I get annoyed with counting. My solution is to get the huge water bottle and leave it in the fridge (I have to have it COLD). All I have to remember is to empty it 3 times a day. Once by 11, once by 3 and then again before bed. So much easier to make sure I drink enough that way. Good luck!

  • I have always struggled getting my water too, until I bought one of those big 32 oz. hospital mugs with a straw. I fill it up twice a day with ice water and I know if I can empty it twice then I have had my water intake for the day! Now my biggest problem is trying to keep my husband and kiddos from “cheating” and drinking it for me. 🙂

    Good luck. We are cheering for you!

  • Hi Becky! I’m excited about your success! For the past 3 years I haven’t been able to drop the 15 – 20 lbs I picked up somewhere along the way. Finally this summer something has clicked and it’s a good feeling to know that I think I will be making some great headway. Water is one of those important things. I have to have mine cold. If not, I won’t be drinking. So I’ve got an 18 oz. bubba brand mug that keeps the water cold for a long time. 18 oz is more easy to handle for me. I take it wherever I go and know that when I do take a sip, it will be the right temperature.

  • So I just completed my week 1 with no refined sugars, and no wheat, and my weigh in was 9.2 lb loss. Thank you for sharing your journey!

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