Giveaway: Learn to REALLY Play the Piano for FREE with Reading Keyboard Music!

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This giveaway is sponsored by Reading Keyboard Music.  All opinions are my own.

Reading Keyboard Music Giveaway

For years growing up I took piano lessons.  Did I practice?  Not very much.  Did I love it?  Nope.  Did I learn much.  A little.  Can I play now.  Not at all.

Do I wish that I would have stuck with it?  Oh Yeah!  Do I wish I knew how to play now.  Absolutely.  Would I like to learn now but don’t feel like I have the time, ability, or the resources to start learning.  You bet!

My parents spent tons and tons and tons of money on mine and my brother’s piano lessons.  All three of us took for years and none of us play.  It is kind of a bummer and I REALLY wish that I would have stuck with it.  I REALLY wish I could play now.

Learning to Play Piano

So when I was contacted by a company that told me they could send me a program that could teach me how to READ Piano Music in as little as 16 weeks I was sceptical, but intrigued.  What if it really worked?!  I could play the piano!  I mean, really PLAY!!

So I looked into it further and once I found out who the developer and teacher of the program was I Signed up Immediately!!  Merrilee Webb is a college professor but I know her as Miss Webb.  She taught me at Bountiful High School way…way…way back in the day…  Way Back!  (Let’s not talk about it).  One thing that I know personally about Merrilee Webb is that she is an Amazing Teacher!  She knows her stuff and she can teach anyone!  I absolutely adore her!

I KNEW I had to try out her program!  So I signed up and for the next 16 weeks I am going to learn how to play the piano!!  And then, my daughters will be able to use the program to learn!  And then even my husband can learn!

I think it is the BEST deal around!  All of us can learn to play the piano and we only have to buy one program!  Even better!  Reading Keyboard Music has given me a special code that you can get 25% off!!

Piano Coupon

Just use coupon code EXTRA25!

One of you lucky readers is going to get to learn how to play piano for Free!  Wait!  Did you read that right?  You, and the rest of your family, can learn to play the piano for FREE!!  To enter, just head on over and watch this Youtube Video then comment below and tell me why you are so excited to start learning to play the piano.

Make sure to make it all official on the rafflecopter below.  Good luck and let’s get playing together.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  • Did I take piano lessons as a girl? Yes. Did I practice much? No. Did I ever learn to read notes? No. Did I memorize all the songs just so my piano teacher thought I could read notes? Yes. Do I wish I knew how to play now? Yes! Hee hee! I just need a piano now! How cool is this?! 🙂

  • Playing the piano is a talent I wish I had. I took lessons as a little girl, but not for long. I HATED practicing. I would only practice the half hour before my weekly lesson usually (and I know my teacher could tell). I made it through a few recitals and then just gave it up. Worst decision ever. I’d love to re-learn!

  • I’m the same as you – took lessons and HATED them. Maybe that’s because my teacher was my grandma and I didn’t see the point? But now, I want a piano in my house and I want my little girl to learn how to play! Thanks for the giveaway!

  • I would love to use this for my children and to learn myself. Plus, I love Merrilee Webb and her passion for music, she makes it so fun!

  • It has been a dream to learn to play! I found this super cute baby grand piano that I was going to buy, until my husband reminded me that I don’t know how to play (I can play chopsticks, though!!) My daughter wants to take lessons, but with our super crazy schedule, this would certainly help BOTH of us learn!

  • I hope my daughter will want to play – my son has no interest at all. Our piano is at my in-laws house but since they might be moving across the street it’s almost like getting it back (we can’t fit it in our new house).

    Blog On

  • I want to put my girls in piano lessons but I can’t afford it with all of the other activities they want to do. I would love to have this program!!! I could learn to play along with my girls and that would be fantastic 🙂

  • I would LOVE to play the piano! It is something that I have always wanted to do but have never had the opportunity to make it happen. I would also love to be able to help my kids learn, I think it is a very important skill that can open many doors! Winning this giveaway would be a way that this could happen for me and my family.

  • Amazing! I used to go to piano lessons when I was younger but I know then that I am into sports more. Now that I have a daughter, I let her decide which ones she wants. I am surprised that she chose piano and soccer. She is really getting better after a few sessions already! – proud mommy here!

  • Hey! Congratulations on making the decision to pick up piano again after so many years. One thing I think our parents told us that was always right is that we’d understand things better when we got older and this is a perfect example. At the time, it’s hard to understand why you’re expected to attend lessons, learn theory and practice for long hours, but the real answer is that as a young person you have the most time to learn all of these things before you actually need to get a serious job!

    Even though it’s hard going back after so many years (you forget practically everything), it’s still worth it the second time around. Just think of it this way: Some people learn piano only once in their life, but you have the pleasure of learning it twice!!

    Best Luck!

    Adam M

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