Giveaway & Review!! Fitness Confidential Signed Copy!

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fitness confidential giveaway

“We all face obstacles in life. I faced a big one. But we are not weak.

“We are strong.”

It’s giveaway time!

I had the opportunity to review Fitness Confidential by Vinnie Tortorich, otherwise known as America’s Angriest Trainer. I’m trying to resume fitness after having my baby (I can’t believe she is almost 3 months old already), and I hoped it would help me on my journey. It has, but not in the way I expected it to.

I expected a book that would give me a fitness routine, or outline a diet for me to help me reach my pre-pregnant form. Sure, Vinnie took a chapter or two to drum in how he tells his clients to stay away from grains and sugar (unfortunately, I love bread and I call myself a sugartarian).

He also gave a few pointers on what to do at the gym, including:

  • How to pick a gym and save money.
  • How to pick a trainer.
  • How to get the biggest bang for your buck with three simple exercises for your upper body and just three more for your lower body.

He entertainingly emphasized how to get fit and stay there, keeping it simple.

He laces the book with very personal stories, about being bullied as a kid and finding strength training to make him strong enough to fight back and mentally fit enough to endure it, finding out he had leukemia amid training for an ultra bicycle race, and enduring a bone marrow draw without any anesthesia. Yeah, this guy is tough.

But he doesn’t make it tough to understand what we need to do slim down and get strong. The book is plainly written, not just by any average Joe who has trained a few people, but a guy who went through college, has a degree to prove it, and has helped many clients fight the battle of the bulge.

The book was an easy, enjoyable read. If you’re looking for motivation, you’ll find it. I highly recommend reading past what he calls “the end of the book” to read his race report of Furnace Creek 508, an incredibly intense ultra bicycle race, after his bout with cancer.

Read this book and find key tips to make you successful at your own fitness journey, as well as find inspiration to help you reach your destination.

Order your own copy of Fitness Confidential from Amazon! It’s $13.49 for the paperback book, and everyone who purchases (or have purchased) the book through Amazon can get the Kindle version for only $2.99. Or get the Kindle version by itself for $9.99.

Click any of the links below to learn more about the book and America’s Angriest Trainer, Vinnie Tortorich:

Now on to the giveaway! We’re giving away one signed copy of Fitness Confidential!

Entering the giveaway is easy!

  • Leave a comment about where you are on your own personal fitness journey. Just getting started? Stuck in a slump? Ready to conquer your first marathon? Let us know!
  • Then make it all official and get bonus entries on the rafflecopter below.

Good luck!

This giveaway is sponsored by Fitness Confidential. All opinions are my own.

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  • Worked hard to lose 20 pounds but I’ve hit a plateau. I would like to lose at least another 20 this year, but I need to kick it up a notch!

  • I started my journey in February 2013. My goal was to lose 15 lbs and fit back into my high school cheer uniform. I reached that goal in June and actually lost more than my targeted weight. I lost 20 lbs and lots of inches! I am now a health and fitness coach and I help others reach their health and nutrition goals. My next goal to to be in a fitness competition this summer. I would love to read this book, crossing fingers πŸ™‚

  • I go back and forth- I have good weeks and bad weeks. Luckily I only have about 5 pounds to lose and I’m just hoping to maintain during the holidays.

  • I’m on the fitness roller coaster. I get inspired, and do really well for a few days, then I get discouraged and stop for a bit. Sometimes I got through the whole cycle in just one day. Could really use some long-term motivation.

  • I have lost a total of 95 pounds & I go to the gym 3-5 days a week to. Workout. I have about 40 pounds more to lose, & my goal is to have it off by mid-July! You are an inspiration with your weight loss!

  • Such a great giveaway! One good thing about being down with a broken leg and small appetite means I’ve been able to work on my weight loss a little differently. Plus, I’m kind of forced to work out if I want to walk normally again, so it makes a little easier to get myself to the pool to work hard!!

  • I’m trying to start my journey! A couple years ago I lost 85 pounds with diet and exercise and then my mom died and I gained it all back so now I’m starting all over πŸ™

  • Post pregnancy – trying to work at this daily to get in shape. Exercising is going ok – we can always do better, right? But eating and the holidays are getting to me already. Gotta stay strong and find good alternatives!

  • I have been trying to lose weight for a while, nothing seems to be working. But I haven’t given up, and I can’t WAIT until I can lose some pounds! Thank you so much for the chance!

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