Weight Loss Update: Why I LOVE Having a Personal Trainer!

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Becky and Phil

It’s been a long time since I posted about my weight loss and healthy lifestyle change.  Many of you have asked me to share my experience working with a personal trainer.  So here you go.

While the last month has been crazy busy with my move into my new home, I have had some amazing support from my trainer!  He is always in my head!  He even gave me a workout to do while I was on my Epic RV Vacation!  SO Awesome!  I can’t recommend having a trainer enough.

When I first talked to The GYM about getting a personal trainer I wasn’t sure.  I mean, maybe you had the same misconceptions that I had.

That my personal trainer would be like this guy:

Crazy buff guy


Or this guy:

Crazy personal trainer


I mean I knew that getting a trainer would help me.  But I didn’t want either of those.  Oh and I also REALLY didn’t want THIS GUY!

CreaperHave you felt this way?  How do you find a good personal trainer?

First!  Research!  If you already belong to a gym ask other members if they have worked with the personal training staff.  If you are looking for a gym, ask around.  Ask your friends, neighbors, someone you trust.  Or head on over to my gym.

I’ve been THRILLED with the training staff at The GYM at Station Park.  They are super knowledgeable!  They hire the BEST trainers who really have their heart in the right place.  Plus they are REALLY well trained with TONS of education!  Phil (my personal trainer) is the Head Personal Trainer and has 8 years of experience.  If your gym has a website make sure to check out the personal trainer bios.  This will give you TONS of info and give you a good idea of what to expect from the staff.


I recommend talking with some of the trainers if you can.  This will give you a quick overview of their personalities.  It is important to find a good fit in a personal trainer.  The GYM at Station Park offers a free Personal Training assessment.  This is TOTALLY Worth your time and something to explore if you gym offers it.  This is a great way to go over your fitness goals with a trainer and see if they can help you.  Plus it will help you get over your fears of working out in a gym and with a trainer.

I have been so happy with the personal trainers that I have met.  A good trainer’s goal is to HELP you!  Not beat you up and not make you feel inadequate.  Having a personal trainer has helped me take the guess work out of my workouts.  With my crazy busy schedule it is so nice to have someone to help me figure out what is best for me and my body.  And when we find something isn’t working he knows how to mix things up and get me back on track!

text from phil
Plus Phil has really helped me try and figure out why I tend to sabotage myself (especially lately).  I mentioned that I have been super busy and I haven’t been making the best choices as far as eating and taking care of myself.  Phil sends me text reminders to help me stay on track.  He encourages me to get back up and try again when I fail.  He has even encouraged me to take control of my business life by writing “To-Do” lists because he knows that STRESS is one of the biggest things that is holding me back from succeeding right now.

To be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t want to try to do this without him right now.  It is so AMAZING to have a coach on my side.  Someone who understands me and really WANTS me to succeed!

I would like to invite you to schedule your free fitness assessment with one of The GYM’s trainers so you can learn everything there is to know about their equipment and how to utilize everything best to reach your goals. The fitness assessment can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, it is all based on how many questions you have. In the session they will sit you down and go over your goals and then show you exactly what you should do in order to reach them. The session is mostly educational and they can answer any questions that you have. Their goal is to make you feel more comfortable and confident in the direction you are going so you can enjoy the gym as much as possible. To set up your free fitness assessment email johnprince22572@gmail.com  and he can schedule you in. 


  • Thank you for sharing your story with me 🙂 I have been up and down on my scale a lot, I got down 75 lbs, then gained 25 back. Now it looks like I have gained another 5….. I read through your posts from last year and am blown away by how hard you worked and was able to maintain and progress! I think I’m ready to try again. I want to be healthier, I want to be strong. I want to think clearer, the sugar and wheat free works well for me, it is just hard to maintain that long term. Good luck on your journey, thank you for sharing with me 🙂

    • Thanks so much for your comment Debi. I’m still working at it every day. But comments from others help me too. It is so hard to maintain. But it is worth it, right?!! We can do hard things! Go get it girl!

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