*HOT* American Girl of the Year Lea Clark $55 Off New Collections + FREE Shipping!

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american girl lea clark sale

If you collect American Girl Dolls, you know how rare sales are. So you won’t want to miss this chance to get the 2016 American Girl Doll of the Year, Lea Clark for $55 off, plus get FREE Shipping!american girl lea clark options

The sale lasts through February 1, but could sell out, so you’ll want to hurry and jump on this deal. For example, Lea’s Kayak Adventure Collection, Lea’s Beach Collection, and Lea’s Sweet Dreams Collection are all just $150 right now (regularly $205)! No code is necessary.

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You can also get FREE shipping on her accessories, so if you already have an American Girl Doll and just want the Kayak Set, Rainforest Hike Accessories, Three-Toed Sloth, or any other Lea item, now’s your chance to avoid shipping on those, too.

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