Time to Conquer! ONE HUNDRED POUNDS!!!

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Now Is Your Time

You can read all of my weight loss posts here.  To celebrate, I am running a bunch of AMAZING GIVEAWAYS!  You can check them out OVER HERE.

Today is the day!  Hip hip hooray!  I’ve done it, I’ve lost 100 pounds.  And WOW!  I mean WOW!  Ok, to be honest, I kinda thought it would be a little anti-climatic.  I mean, I just posted about losing 97 pounds.  Why would 100 pounds be that much different?

Why?  BECAUSE IT IS 100 POUNDS!!!  Wholly Heck!  That is a TON of weight.  And to prove it I have photo evidence.

Before and After{The cute shirt in the after photo came from Valshi Boutique – love them!}

If that isn’t proof of a life change, then I don’t know what is.

When I started this journey back in June, I wasn’t happy with myself.  I had lost who I was.  I knew I was a fun and outgoing person.  Really, inside I knew that she was still there.  But I didn’t love myself.  I didn’t want to do things with my family or friends.  I didn’t want to get out and have fun.  Why?  Because it was hard!  It was hard to go places and know that physically I wouldn’t be able to do what I wanted to do.  And it wasn’t any fun.

My Favorite Skirt

{This is my favorite skirt – I wore it all the time}

I remember telling my mom, when I seriously decided I needed to make a change, that I was tired of thinking about my weight all the time.  When I was in a crowded store, I was worried that I would run into people.  I couldn’t go to a concert that I loved because I knew the seats were small and I wouldn’t be able to fit comfortably.  Heck, it hurt when I got out of bed in the morning.  Every day I thought about my weight.  Even if it was for just a minute.

I knew people treated me differently because I was “a big girl.”  I was ok with it, but I knew.  And it hurt.  It hurt to be different.  I tried to tell myself that it was ok.  That there are a lot of people just as big as I was.  Plus, I had all my excuses of why I was the way I was.  Sure, I had had my health problems.  I had been on bed-rest with both of my pregnancies. Bla, bla, bla.  Excuses, excuses.  The truth was, I had let food and my lack of exercise ruin my life.  Period!


{My Uniform – The pants I wore every day}

Then I decided that I wanted something different.  I wanted to be myself again.  I wanted to be able to have fun, without worrying about my size every second.  I wanted to have my picture taken and not run and hide.  I wanted to stop crying.  I didn’t want my girls to have the FAT MOM!  I wanted to change!

And I did!  And I am!  I am addicted to food.  Period!  I always will be.  Nothing will change that.  And guess what, I have to eat food to live.  Problem?  Only if I let it.  I can make that choice.  You know, the one I had to make 100 times a day for the first few months.  The choice between food or my life.  The choice between food or my happiness.  The choice between food or being around for my girls.

I choose the second options.  I choose to live, to love, to laugh, to be happy, to be fit.  I choose to live a healthy life.  No one will take that away from me.  It is something I will battle with my entire life.  But I am going to win that battle.  Because I am worth it.  I am worth being happy.  I am worth having fun.  I am worth seeing my kiddos grow up and get married and have babies of their own.

So horray for my 100 pounds!  I will never see them again.  Don’t worry, I’m not done yet.  I’ve still a little ways to go.  But I will do it.  And I will kill it, because I am worth it!

I choose life!  And it is Awesome!

Not finding the weight again



  • Congratulations, Becky! You will remember this milestone day for many years to come. (I know, because my 100 lb anniversary is July 4.) You have worked hard for this. Onward and upward to a much healthier life for you and your family. I’m certain you’ve changed habits that are better for all of you. Way to go!

    • Thanks Karrie! Congrats to you!!! So you know exactly how I feel. It is awesome and being healthy is such a great thing. You are right, my family is already so much better and we will continue to be. Better choices for me and my family! What an amazing feeling.

  • AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!! I have always been a thin person except when having my 5 kids.. and I just gained 40 lbs this year aftre moving to an apt in Va from NJ… I neeeeeed to lose this now before it decides it wants to stay! Did u ever try the Body by Vi?

    • I haven’t heard of it. But I will tell you, if it is something that speaks to you, do it. I found a program that I love. It speaks to me. It made sense for me. I am sure it isn’t for everyone, but the point is to do something. I still have about 25-30 pounds to lose, so I’m not done yet. But we can get there together.

    • You be Laura. I know some people like to keep private things private, but the support has been awesome. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  • Great Job!!! You’re amazing!! You look so happy and healthy…..full of life with a wonderful glow!!

  • Did you use a specific diet plan and exercise program to start? I think the hardest thing for me is where to begin. I have an easy 120# to lose and would like to know where to begin…

    • I am on a program. It is called Take Shape for Life. Or, Medifast. You can check it out HERE. If you want more info, let me know. The biggest thing is to start. I read a book that really got me motivated. It really made me want to change. You should check it out! It is called Dr. A’s Habits of Health. What he said really spoke to me. It gave me the determination to get up and get going. I decided it was time to take control of my life.

      I am always here for you. I’m still going. I still have more to lose. If I can do it, you can do it too! 🙂 I’m cheering for you.

  • Becky,
    You are my hero!! Congratulations, girl! You look wonderful and have every reason to be so, so proud of the amazing progress you’ve made. I’d love more details.

  • Ok, can I be honest that I totally cried reading this. Makes me sad that the amazing and fun loving person I know wasn’t as happy as she could have been. But you are such an incredible person, and I could not be happier that you have done this (even though we all eat crap in front of you) and that you have gotten such incredible results. You truely look AMAZING and I am so proud of you. What a great inspiration.

  • I am so happy for you! You look amazing! I have been following along with you through your blog posts, and I know it can’t have been easy. I am a bigger girl too, and I hate feeling like people treat me differently, but they definitely do. You are an inspiration to a lot of people! Thanks for sharing your journey so publicly.

    • Oh, thanks Heather. It is tough. No doubt about it. I know I’m not the only one to struggle. If I can help one person, it has been worth it to share publicly. Plus, it helps me. The support has been Awesome!!!

  • Whoop! I am so happy! My present for you was meant to be a 100 pound present, so now I am THRILLED to give it to you tonight! Must finish!

  • Becky you are amazing and so inspirational. I have 60 pounds that I would like to lose and it is so hard! I give in way to easily – thanks so much for your story – it gives me hope that I will be able to make the change that I need to.

    • You are beautiful Summer. When you are ready, you will do it! It takes time and you have to be ready. 🙂 Thanks for all the support. Love ya!

    • Thanks Amanda. I am proud of myself. Everyone has helped me to see how awesome it is too. Great friends and a good support system is Awesome!

  • I am with Emily…what has been your success? Failures? I just had a baby. I am nursing full time and can’t really restrict calories, or it really effects my milk. But, I sure could use your advise. Congrats!!

    • Tristen. Have you read my other posts? There have been ups and downs, that is for sure. It is really about calories. The program that I am doing just regulates my calories for me. So if you have issues with restricted calories, that might be tough for a while. But you won’t be nursing forever. Whole and healthy foods are key. I don’t eat refined sugar. It messes with me. Because of that, the cravings really have gone away. I still go places where people are having treats all the time, but I don’t want them. I have made the choice to live healthy. And for me, that is no sugar.

      What I recommend is finding something that “speaks to you.” Something that you can really get behind. Something that gets you excited!

  • Congratulations! You look awesome ! It feels good doesn’t it? I lost 92 lbs and this April will be 3 years! I still get so excited everytime I get to shop at a boutique 🙂

    • Yay Kami!!! Isn’t that so much fun. I love being able to shop at fun stores. It’s getting better and better. Congrats on your loss. Yay, yay, yay!!

  • Congratulations!!! You look AMAZING and you truly are an inspiration. I wish you all the best and have no doubts that you will reach your goal. Thank you for being such an inspiration !!!

  • Congratulations… you look wonderful. I’m starting my weight loss journey and would love any advice, tips, diet/exercise plans, ideas, etc that you may offer me. Please feel free to contact me at the email I provided. Thank you so much!!!

    • Hey Kresta! Yay, congrats on starting your journey.

      Obviously, the goal to weight loss is to take in less calories then you expend. Requiring your body to use what you have stored up. I believe that the key is to find something that “speaks to you” and then stick with it. I found a program that really make sense for me, but it isn’t for everyone. You can check it out the program HERE. If you want more info, let me know.

      The biggest thing is to start. I read a book that really got me motivated. It really made me want to change. You should check it out! It is called Dr. A’s Habits of Health. What he said really spoke to me. It gave me the determination to get up and get going. I decided it was time to take control of my life.

      Once you decide to start, I recommend telling everyone you know. It makes you accountable. Plus, support is key! Finding a GREAT support group will help a ton. If you tell your family and friends they will want to support you. Plus, you won’t want to let them down. Blogging about my weight loss was huge. If you can journal or even just start a personal blog to keep track of feelings and track your progress that is super helpful.

      Make it a top priority. When people ask you what you are doing this week, “losing weight” should be in your mind. It is what you are doing. Taking care of yourself. Putting yourself first. It has to be done. It is important and key if you want to stick with this.

      Remember why you are doing it when things get hard. Come here and talk to me. Ask me questions. Vent. I am here for you. I would love to help out in any way I can. Again, congrats and you can do it!! I know you can!

  • Congratulations!!! I just stumbled upon this blog today and just read through all of your posts on your weight-loss journey. I am so struggling to shed any pounds! I’m looking to lose 40. What exactly did you do to lose all the weight? I know you said you went off of refined/processed sugars and incorporated a more whole foods diet. I’ve been doing this for a couple years now, to no avail (wait wise, although I DO need to drink more water!). Did you count calories? How did you start your exercise? I know you didn’t join a gym until a couple weeks in. What did you do until then? I don’t live conveniently near a gym, so its not much of an option for me & I need ideas! I don’t know you, but am so proud of you! Way to stick with it…you worked SO hard and accomplished SO much! You’re now my motivation. If you could lose 100 lbs, I can lose 40!

    • Julie,

      I’m glad you found our site. Welcome. So I ended up joining a plan called Take Shape for life. It is a meal replacement program that uses Medifast meals. Basically they count your calories and give you exactly what you need so that you don’t have to do it. You eat every 3 hours and eat 5 of their meals and one of your own.

      I believe that the key is to find something that “speaks to you” and then stick with it. This works for me because it is stupid easy. You just have to follow it. I still exercise but not heavily. I don’t even do the gym thing right now. Just some aerobics in my home and a lot of walks.

      You can check it out the program HERE. If you want more info, let me know. The biggest thing is to start. I read a book that really got me motivated. It really made me want to change. You should check it out! It is called Dr. A’s Habits of Health. What he said really spoke to me. It gave me the determination to get up and get going. I decided it was time to take control of my life.

      I am always here for you. I’m still going. I still have more to lose. If I can do it, you can do it too! I’m cheering for you.

      • Thank you Becky! I’m going to check out that book. I wish I could do something like Medifast meals, but I have a problem eating certain foods (sensitivities), so I’m not sure it’ll work for me. I’m going to look into it though and see if anything I can learn what to make at home. I started a new exercise routine Friday. If you can lose 100 lbs, I know I can do 40!!

  • Wow, Becky! You are an inspiration to me. I too need to lose 100 lbs. and have been on many diets, only to get discouraged and give up after a few months. I am a missionary wife in southern Mexico, and I am going to start my journey for life in May. (We will be traveling non stop for the next 5 weeks). I am excited and my daughter is going to do this with me (she needs to lose 30 lbs.) Thank you so much for sharing your story. What an encouragement to see someone who has done it the hard way. There is hope. I WILL DO THIS!!

  • Came across your post on pintrest, you are truly inspirational! I’ve been having my ups and downs wanting to be the woman I used to be. So glad I found your blog and will continue my journey to fitness and health!!

  • Becky Becky Becky… Your story is just what I needed to find today. And read the entire thing. I have a story of why I’m at where I’m at and very overwhelmed at the thought of how much I have to lose. Again (I’ve been working on this a few decades). I realized that I am stuck on the sadness of my story, and sadly I haven’t wanted to move forward because of what I would have to face instead of self medicating anymore… Thanks for the open and honest posts through your journey. I am surrounded by people that can eat what they want, pop out 4-5 kids, and run a marathon later that year. I need friends like you to keep it real! If I could kiss you I would! You’re awesome!!!!! ~Jamie

    • Oh Jamie. Your comment touches me so much. I’m so glad you found me. I know how you feel about everyone around you being able to just do whatever they want and stay super skinny. It feels that way all the time. I’m sure they struggle more than we realize. But still, it is hard to feel like you are the only one dealing with weight issues. I have shared (and will continue to share) my story so that others know they aren’t alone. We need to have support if we are going to get through this.

      Know that I am here for you. Anytime. Really, just comment and I will shoot you one back. Finding the strength to start is the key. We hold on to food like it is a friend. But in reality, it is a BAD and Horrible friend. We wouldn’t keep around someone who constantly tears us down and makes us feel bad about ourselves. That is what food addiction does. It hurts us daily.

      Good luck! You can do this thing! You deserve it!

      • Becky, I’ve heard so much about TSFL lately, I am really looking into it. I wanted to either message you on FB or I nought I’d jump on her to see if that was for sure what you did. Are you a coach? What were or are your favorite meals they offer?

    • Jamie, I’m married to someone who can eat what he wants and LOSE weight and family who can do the same and pop out kids like its nothing at all (my sister-in-law has 8 kids and with each one she LOSES weight…I think if she has another she’ll literally vaporize. NOT my case at all!). Just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone. Kids have definitely added to my weight, but stressful life events have kept me where I’m at (and added to it). I’m learning slowly but surely to let go of my past and the stress of yesterday and take care of myself so that I can help others (the oxygen mask effect, right?). We can do it!!! Awesome chicks like Becky show us that it’s work, but it CAN be done.

  • Becky, so I checked out the Medifast and it looks like it is for people who have had Bariatric sugery. Did you have that done, or you just did Medifast? Thanks! P.S. You look great!! That’s my goal!

    • I’ve never seen that? Weird. No, I didn’t have any sort of surgery. Many people are on this program who need to just lose a few pounds. I know many who have done it who only need to lose 10-15 pounds. So that is weird that you saw that. Maybe it works for those people too.

      I am not promoting their program. Yes, it is what I did. But I think everyone should find the program that “speaks to them.” Something that makes sense to them.

      • Ok, thanks, Becky. Sorry just wondering if it was for everyone. I can’t say enough how much of a blessing you are to me and that you give me hope again!! Thanks for sharing your journey.

        • You’re welcome Mona. It makes me so happy to see that my journey is helping others. It it hard to gain weight. It is painful. It is harder to lose it. It becomes a crutch and we are scared of failure. But you can do it. We can do it! You just need to begin. I’m rooting for you. Change your life. You are worth it!

  • Congratulations on your weight loss! What an amazing accomplishment. I stumbled upon your site from pinterest. You have an inspiring story but the first thing I saw above your title was an advertisement for free printable snickers coupons from walmart…a little ironic.

    • That is ironic!! Ha! It’s too bad that I don’t get to pick which ads go up. I can tell them no skanky stuff or stuff that I don’t want like that. But coupons are usually good. Funny that this time it was snickers. 😉 One thing I have learned is that a little treat now and then won’t kill you. Moderation in ALL THINGS! What really matters is what you do most of the time. Your normal every day is what defines you, not one little treat here and there.

      Thanks for stopping by and thanks for commenting! It is always fun to chat with new readers. Welcome!

  • You are an inspiration! It’s because of people like you that I tell myself it is possible to lose the 100 pounds instead of telling myself I can’t do this. It can get lonely on this journey and having hope from stories like yours keeps me going in the right direction. Thank you!

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Utah Sweet Savings