Time to Conquer! Week 37 – 40: A Whole New World

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Weight Loss Jim

You can check out all of my Weight Loss Posts here.

Oh what an amazing few weeks I have had.

Unfortunately, I’ve been sick.  Sick, sick, sick!   I have been more sick this winter than any other winter that I can remember.  I’m trying to understand why.  I am so much more healthy.  I am eating better, exercising, and drinking my water (most of the time).  But I have been sick!  Ugh.  I am chalking it up to my body changing so much.

I’m also cold!  Oh so cold!  Losing almost 100 pounds of insulation fat will do that to you.  Ha!  So maybe that is why I’ve been so sick as well.  And maybe it is because I don’t get enough sleep.  This is still something that I struggle with daily!  (As I write this at 11pm)

How do you get your sleep?  I need to learn to prioritize better.  Or learn to say no to things, I guess.  But how do you do that when there are so many wonderful things out there to do?

I thought by now I would be telling you that I had hit the 100 pounds mark!  Unfortunately, that isn’t the case.  I’m still 3 pounds away.  But still, 97 pounds is freak’n awesome.

I can’t believe how much my life has changed.  I am now able to do so much more than I have ever done before.

Wolf Mountain Ski Day

Like take my daughter skiing for the first time.  (Mine and hers)

Me with girls

Cuddle with my girls and read them stories.  (They can both fit on my lap and I can hold them close – What an Amazing feeling)

Title Boxing 2

And punch the heck out of a bag.  I went with a bunch of friends to a Boxing Club.  (Yep, that was Awesome and SO much fun)  Side note on this one – if you have the chance to check out Title Boxing in Cottonwood Heights, GO!!  It was SO much fun.  Plus, they will let you try it out for free.  I wish I lived closer.  I would be there every day.  I LOVED IT!!

title Boxing group

Truly, it has been an amazing few weeks.  I am learning more about myself every day.  I feel like a cloud has been lifted off of me.  I’m remembering what it is like to have fun and be comfortable wherever I go.  I’m happy to try new things and meet new people.

I know that I still have a ways to go.  But I am thrilled with the new changes in my life.  What are you doing to step out of your comfort zone?





    • Thanks Ashlee. Honestly, I kinda tear up thinking about it. I didn’t realize what I was missing out on. Being able to hold my kiddos close has been worth all the sacrifices. In fact, I don’t even think of them as sacrifices anymore. Totally worth it!

    • Thanks Stacy. You can do it too! Heck, if I can do it, anyone can. I’m cheering for you. The hardest part is starting. You need to be ready to change. Ready to take it on head first. Really to find success. Then tell EVERYONE you know what you are doing. Make yourself accountable. I’d love to talk to you about it more. It is a journey and an awesome one. Everything I am doing will help me live longer, and live happier. I am worth it and so are you!!!

  • Thank you Becky!! Getting started is the hardest part. I have medical and emotional issues that hold me back too, but I know that exercise would ultimately help with those issues. It’s just so hard to start. I don’t even think about a huge weight loss like yours as being possible for me.

    • It is possible!! I didn’t think I would ever be able to do it. I’ve been big as long as I can remember. After being on bedrest with both of my girls and still having issues from my last pregnacy (my youngest turns 3 at the end of this month). I figured I was doomed to be big. While I’m still not skinny or little I know that I am so much more healthy. It is all the little changes that you make the adds up to one big change. You are worth it. Don’t discount yourself. It’s amazing what our bodies can do, if we take away all of the can’ts.

      For me it came down to all of the little daily choices. Every time I wanted to eat something that I shouldn’t I would stop and ask myself “What do I want?” REALLY! What is the thing I want the most. Do I want this food, or do I want a happy and healthy life? Of course it is the ladder. Now I don’t need to make the chose every time anymore. But I had to do it for a long time. I know I will always have issues with food. I have an addiction.

      We all are different, but we all struggle with something. Good luck! Start today. Make the choice to be happy and healthy. Really, you deserve it!

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